1Ki 3:11-12 ISV (full scripture down below)

Have you ever thought of affecting a life other than your own? Life becomes meaningful when you live it for others and not just yourself. Live life with a view to bettering those around you. Make it a goal to make the life of even one person better in your lifetime.

It could be your relative, anyone around you who needs help. Pray to God to give you the heart of someone who loves and puts others above himself. Solomon was like that, he prayed and asked God for the ability to help people and guess what? He was the wisest and richest king of his time. It is a biblical law that those who put others before themselves will be blessed. It isn't up for negotiations. Do you want to live a stress free life? A life where you don't think of what you shall eat tomorrow? Live for the next person and you shall. You can live for someone now by being there for them, praying for them. Teaching them, loving them. Don't wait to have before you start.

1Ki 3:11-12 ISV
11 so God told him: “Because you asked for this, and you didn’t ask for a long life for yourself, and you didn’t ask for the lives of your enemies, but instead you’ve asked for discernment so you can understand how to govern,

12 look how I’m going to do precisely what you asked. I’m giving you a wise and discerning mind, so that there will have been no one like you before you and no one will arise after you like you.

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