Matthew 25:1-3
1 “At that time, the kingdom from heaven will be comparable to ten virgins who took their oil lamps and went out to meet the groom.

2 Now five of them were foolish, and five were wise,

3 because when the foolish ones took their lamps, they didn’t take any oil with them.

Virginity is great but if that’s the only thing you have going on for you, you will suffer great disappointment in your dating life. Here are a few reasons why virgins usually have great heartaches in relationships:

1. Thinking that virginity is the most important thing you have and not minding to have anything added to it is the major reason why most virgins get into disappointing relationships. Look at the scripture above, there were 10 virgins of which 5 carried excess oil and 5 only carried little oil to meet the man whom they wanted to see. Now most virgins dream of meeting that Good partner but the problem most of them have is that they don’t prepare enough during the waiting period. Beloved virgin, your virginity is a blessing but that doesn’t mean it’s the only trophy you should have in your life. Good partners look for more things such as your communication skills, your thinking capacity, your ability to be innovative etc stop being like the unwise virgins who didn’t carry enough resources to meet the man they were waiting for. Add value to your life.

2. Don’t ever think you are the only virgin. It’s a common misconception of virgins to think they are very rare and very special and hence possess a lazy nature of  not adding value to their lives. Notice that the virgins who went to meet the groom were 10. If you think you are the only one, you will be relaxed in trying to make yourself a better person for the partner you shall have. Elijah also thought that he was the only person serving God,

1Kings 18:22
Elijah said to them: “I am the only prophet of the LORD who is left, bal has 450 prophets

But God doesn’t like such mentality. He doesn’t like it because people who place themselves in the  “I’M THE ONLY ONE GROUP” tend to think that they are very special and deserve a certain form of treatment.

God responded to Elijah saying
1 Kings 19:18
Nevertheless, I’ve reserved 7,000 in Israel who have neither bowed their knees to Baal nor kissed him.”

3. Virgins usually fail to learn from other’s(virgins and non virgins especially!) . They don’t want to learn life lessons from those who have failed, are doing better than them and have things they don’t have yet like Good relationships. You see those 5 unwise virgins saw that their friends carried more oil but instead of also going to get some more, they were content with what they have because like most virgins today, they didn’t think of what would happen if the groom delayed. They didn’t want to force themselves to plan all out and prepare themselves effectively. That’s how most virgins are today, they don’t plan, they don’t learn even from those who have made mistakes and guess what happens? They end up making the same mistakes that if they learnt even from fellow virgins and even non virgins, would never have made.

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Jealousy is defined as wanting to be or wanting to have what you either can’t manage to attain or what you think you are qualified for at a certain time.

Sadly jealousy exists even in church. But I’m going to explain to you how to avoid it and really get the best out of church.

1. The first thing you should always remember is the reason why you go to church. The reason you go to church will determine whether you will get the disease of jealousy or not. The best reason to go to church is to go and hear about God and learn about him. Never go to church because you want to find friends or because you want to find a loving community because in the process of you doing that, you will start looking to man and not to God and at that instance, you will begin to want to receive from man the things that God freely gives. When you go to church for God, everything else such as Good friendships will follow.

2. When you go to church, don’t admire people who have what you don’t have. It’s a common thing, you go to church, you find people dressed in expensive clothes or you find people driving Porsche cars. Never focus on what people around you have, if you have one outfit, wash it and iron it every time you go to church with the view to meeting your God. Every one has a story to tell and levels to pass so just because you see people living a prestigious life doesn’t mean you should admire because your own turn will come.

3. Avoid getting unnecessarily close to Men Of God. Men of God will always attract people to get close to them because of what they carry in terms of the anointing. The best way to avoid the church jealousy disease is to keep a reasonable relationship with the man of God. Stop trying to become the man of God’s favorite child because that will just lead to you having jealousy when someone else is perceived to be closer to him than you are.

4. Don’t rush to join service groups. When joining a service group, understand what you want to achieve as you join and then understand what is required in the service group you are joining. If you are joining the service group to just show that you are part of the church and you are special, you will eventually become a jealous church member. You will start to guard your position in that service group as if you are the pioneer. If you are talented and you want to grow your talent in singing etc it’s better you approach the leaders of the service group and ask how promotion works in that group so that you don’t start to try to impress people to get promoted and be jealous of those who seem to be doing better than you.

5. Pray and read the Bible. God has a way of giving those people who go to church for him an opportunity to serve him without intimidation. You don’t have to speak but God will speak for you. He will set a light on you that shows people who meet you that you are different and hence it will be easy for you to belong to a congregation. Otherwise, if you don’t pray and read the Bible and you want to start receiving recognition, you will be the most jealous church member in the entire congregation.

6. Have self worth and know who you are. This is basically one of the most important points in this article. When you know who you are and what you carry, jealousy will leave you. If you don’t know what you carry, you will be jealous of everyone you see at church..

Jealousy is there in church. Don’t make church a nightmare for yourself and those who join your church.
Practise the above things and you will be a more content member .

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Written by Marshall Mudenda

Sad though the picture maybe. It has some very fundamental lessons.


What do people really need you for? Have you ever wondered why people follow you around or surround you? When this mother Dog died, notice the puppies didn’t go to the head, they went to the source of the milk because at that stage they needed milk more than the mother. This happens a lot even in our time, you might think those around you need you as a person but in fact they need what you possess. Beloved, know your worth in people’s lives and you will be a happier person.


Look at the picture, when the puppies saw the mother die, they didn’t approach the head to find out whether she was alive but they were concerned about their own well being. Even with humans, there are those who could care less whether you are living or dead. These people will follow you everywhere and pretend to love you but in fact they just support their own views. I pray in Jesus’ name that this will not be your story in Jesus’ mighty name!


Even in this death, the mother Dog left something for it’s puppies. What are you leaving today for those who will come after you? If a dog can die and leave milk then you have no excuse. Beloved, don’t only think of yourself but believe in Daddy God so that your ending should enrich those who were depending on you in Jesus’ mighty name!

In conclusion, this picture is very sad and for those who may read this that have a tendency of killing animals, stop.
However, in every situation, whether good or bad. We can always learn a thing or two. Daddy God bless you in Jesus’ name!


The best way to beat any addiction is to first accept you have a problem with the addiction. Don’t hide and don’t convince yourself that you are in control and then after you perform the act, you begin to feel miserable and say you were under a compulsion that you couldn’t withstand.

That uncontrollable compulsion which leads you to do the act of masturbating, smoking, drinking etc is what is called an addiction.

I want to give you ONE THING TO ALWAYS DO when you are facing an addiction. Let us learn from Zacchaeus who was addicted to stealing money.

Luke 19:2-7

2 Now a man named Zacchaeus was there; he was a chief tax collector and was rich.

3 He was trying to get a look at Jesus, but being a short man he could not see over the crowd.

4 So he ran on ahead and climbed up into a sycamore tree to see him, because Jesus was going to pass that way.

5 And when Jesus came to that place, he looked up and said to him, “Zacchaeus, come down quickly, because I must stay at your house today.”

6 So he came down quickly and welcomed Jesus joyfully.

7 And when the people saw it, they all complained, “He has gone in to be the guest of a man who is a sinner.”

The first interesting thing I want you to note is that Zacchaeus was a short man.

Why is this information important?

It’s because the Holy spirit wanted us to know that sins can make you feel so small and remove our self worth. They can make you feel so insignificant especially in the midst of those who seem to have life all together. Sin has that effect, it makes you feel so insignificant, insufficient, unworthy and unrighteous especially in the presence of those who seem to be upright.

Zacchaeus knew he had a problem but he didn’t know how to get out of the problem with his own might.

Now I want you to pay attention to what Zacchaeus did. The Bible says he climbed the tallest tree because he Couldn’t see over the crowd.

Why is this important?

Note that in your addiction, you might feel intimidated by those around you who seem spiritual and make you feel like you are not worthy of God’s love and affection. If you feel that way, don’t be discouraged and think that God won’t notice you. He does notice the effort of someone who truly is trying to get out of the Prison of addiction.

Zacchaeus climbed the tallest tree meaning that Zacchaeus put himself in a position where Jesus could see him and he could see Jesus. He didn’t hide from Jesus, he made himself be seen. Now if you think about it, Zacchaeus exposed all of himself, every part of his sinful self was exposed. When someone is in a tree, you can see them from top to bottom right?

Zacchaeus’ story teaches us that we must be able to tell God everything about our sin and not hide anything from him. Show yourself completely even if that puts you in a vulnerable situation where everyone sees you!

When the devil tells you to run and hide from your God, say no! Show yourself completely to God in prayer and tell God about your problem.

The crowd represents the voice of the devil. Notice that they all complained about Jesus’ decision to dine with the sinner? Jesus knew that Zacchaeus heard them but he didn’t care, Jesus told him that today I want to dine with you at your home, why? Because Jesus loves the broken who come to him without hiding anything. Jesus loves those who show their need for him and that is what Zacchaeus showed in all the effort he put to see Jesus.

Luk 19:9-10
9 Then Jesus said to him, “Today salvation has come to this household, because he too is a son of Abraham!

10 For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost.”

You might be facing an addiction today like Zacchaeus.

I want you to apply the Zacchaeus formula and tell Jesus everything. Make yourself plain before him and Jesus will meet you like he did Zacchaeus and free you from your prison. You are not a lost cause, Jesus loves you and the first and most important decision to take is to be truthful, plain and open to God about your problem.



Psalm 146:5 How blessed is the one whose helper is the God of Jacob, whose hope is in the LORD his God,

Now that most of the governments have denied gathering, what does it mean for that Christian who depends on their leader? This quarantine should be a wake up call, Christianity isn’t a group membership but an individual race. Never base your Christianity on someone or a church because if you don’t watch it, you will be caught napping. Use the people God has placed in your life to help yourself grow to a point where you are self sustaining.

There is a time to be fed, A time to be led and a time to practice to crawl, walk and then run. Remember Christianity is a race but you need to be able to crawl, walk and then begin to run, if you are too dependent on someone to get you there, then in times such as this you will backslide so easily.


If you are afraid of this virus then it shows that your relationship with God isn’t as strong as you think. It is very easy to believe in the midst of people that you can move mountains but it is a different story to believe alone. Sometimes being surrounded by fire for fire people will make you think you are also on fire but when you cannot be with those people, the reality of your situation begins to truly unfold.

1Samuel 19:24
He also removed his clothes and was caught up in prophetic ecstasy right in front of Samuel! He fell down naked and remained there all that day and all night. That is why people say, “Is Saul also among the prophets?”

Saul was also in the group of people and the joy of it made him think he was an actual prophet.

Listen, when you invest in a rich relationship with God, you will not fear calamity because you will know what to do and how to do it. You will know how to pray and how to continue fellowship. We thank God for congregational fellowship but understand that congregational worship supplements(it solidifies) personal worship but at the end of the day, it always comes down to you and your God in your secret place. Mountains seem smaller in groups when your personal relationship with God is based on being in the company of other’s.Listen, when you invest in a rich relationship with God, you will not fear calamity because you will know what to do and how to do it. You will know how to pray and how to continue fellowship. We thank God for congregational fellowship but understand that congregational worship supplements(it solidifies) personal worship because at the end of the day, it always comes down to you and your God in your secret place. Mountains seem smaller in groups when your personal relationship with God is based on being in the company of other’s.


Church is like school except the only reason why we don’t take it seriously is because we don’t write physical exams. Yes church is like school, you go there dressed up all smart, with a book and pen and you sit there and write notes the whole year. No one will ask you what did you learn, how will you apply it because that is your individual responsibility as a student.

Church is a place of edification, which is strengthening. You cannot go to church the whole year then miss 2 weeks and be back in sin, it shows that you are not taking it as seriously as you should. Church is a place for you to become strong in faith so that you prepare yourself for hardships, not just happy times.

Eph 6:13 ISV For this reason, take up the whole armor of God so that you may be able to take a stand whenever evil comes. And when you have done everything you could, you will be able to stand firm.

If you take church seriously, you will take life seriously and hence even quarantine will be an extended study break.


I want to talk to a sinner today. I don’t know you but God does and you know yourself. You might be all smiles Outside but in your secret place, you are masturbating, drinking etc. I have a word for you and I hope after this, you find liberation from that bondage of sin you are in.

We keep saying God is love but fact is very few people understand what this truly means because not everyone has had the opportunity to experience the full love of God.

Let’s personalize this love of God, it’s not about for God so loved the world that I’m talking about but I’m talking about for God SO LOVED YOU. Feels different right? For you to understand the love of God, you must personalize it, don’t generalize it. Make it personal!

Luk 15:18-20
18 I will arise and go to my father, and will say unto him, Father, I have sinned against heaven, and before thee,

19 And am no more worthy to be called thy son: make me as one of thy hired servants.

20 And he arose, and came to his father. But when he was yet a great way off, his father saw him, and had compassion, and ran, and fell on his neck, and kissed him.Scripture is so simple yet so complicated by people. Do you know why you don’t understand God’s love? It’s because you don’t go to God on your own to ask him for it. Problem is you have let people interpret God’s love for you THROUGH THEIR EXPERIENCE but you have never thought of Going to God to ask for love so that you can have your own experience.Have you ever thought about the prodigal son and how he lived his life? The guy literally and indirectly told his dad that I can’t wait for you to die any longer, give me what’s mine so that I can go live my life.

Imagine his kind of sin, he literally told his father who contributed to his existence that he wished him to die sooner. That’s deep. But nonetheless, his father gave him what was entitled to him and he went off, never called the dad, never thought of him even once whilst he was living his luscious life. That’s what the prodigal son did. He only remembered his father when calamity came.That’s how it is with most of us today. We were so pure but we told God, I don’t want you and I want to live my life, God let us go and we did everything we ever wanted. Had sex, drank beer, smoked weed, did shisha etc

Now after we did these things, we never found any satisfaction and we are just burning to go back to God but the guilt, shame and most of all, the condemnation tells us we have let God down, it tells us we have gone to that place where God cannot forgive us or reach. How miserable life must be for us..

But guess what? God is not angry with you as long as you have a repentant heart. God forgives the unforgivable and there is nothing you are today that has shocked God. All you have to do is run to God, forget the voice that says you are unclean, run to God and pour out your heart. Ask him for forgiveness and He will not may or might but WILL FORGIVE YOU.

There is nothing like I’m too much of a sinner With God. Begin the journey home today. He is waiting for you.

2Ch 7:14 KJV If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.


Now here is a story about a man who started masturbating for pleasure until it turned into his prison. He tried all he could do to follow God but masturbating was an overcoming force in his life. He knew God loved him because no matter how far gone he thought he was, God always came through for him in every situation he faced whenever he cried out to God.

There was once a time that he masturbated one entire week and he kept on praying for forgiveness and telling God he would stop. No matter how much he tried to stop, he did it over and over again. The more he told God he would stop, the more he continued.

Is this your situation? Are you in a prison too? Perhaps it could be a different one but a prison nonetheless, beloved, I have some great news for you. There is a way out and it’s unbelievably simple.

The way out is total surrender and total admission to God. How? First acknowledging that you need help, that is the first step towards total freedom. You need to stop hiding from God that you have that problem and begin talking to God about it NOT RELIGIOUSLY but SINCERELY!

How do you sincerely talk to God? Firstly, go to him not with speeches of the brain but with words from your heart, if you need to get emotional then do it, if you want you can cry, it doesn’t matter as long as you are being sincere with God

2Ch 7:14 KJV If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.

Find a quiet place anytime of the day to tell God the truth about your situation frequently before, during and even after you masturbate, drink or do whatever it is that keeps you in bondage.


1Ki 3:11-12 ISV (full scripture down below)

Have you ever thought of affecting a life other than your own? Life becomes meaningful when you live it for others and not just yourself. Live life with a view to bettering those around you. Make it a goal to make the life of even one person better in your lifetime.

It could be your relative, anyone around you who needs help. Pray to God to give you the heart of someone who loves and puts others above himself. Solomon was like that, he prayed and asked God for the ability to help people and guess what? He was the wisest and richest king of his time. It is a biblical law that those who put others before themselves will be blessed. It isn't up for negotiations. Do you want to live a stress free life? A life where you don't think of what you shall eat tomorrow? Live for the next person and you shall. You can live for someone now by being there for them, praying for them. Teaching them, loving them. Don't wait to have before you start.

1Ki 3:11-12 ISV
11 so God told him: “Because you asked for this, and you didn’t ask for a long life for yourself, and you didn’t ask for the lives of your enemies, but instead you’ve asked for discernment so you can understand how to govern,

12 look how I’m going to do precisely what you asked. I’m giving you a wise and discerning mind, so that there will have been no one like you before you and no one will arise after you like you.


God is interested in your marriage because of the children you shall bring into the world. Children matter to God because they secure the future of the Kingdom of God, especially those that are born and bred in very good Christian homes.

The experience you get before and after you give your life to Christ matters to God because when you are serious about your walk of faith, you reach a point where you are able to discern between Good and evil and therefore are able to pass down knowledge to your children that without your input would have taken them a long time to learn

Heb 5:14 EasyEnglish
But people who have grown up properly eat proper food. AS A RESULT OF PRACTICE , they have taught themselves. They have taught themselves to know the difference between what is right and wrong.

That process of practice is very important to God because at the end of it all, you become baked in knowledge and it is a common thing to understand that as you give yourself to something, you improve in it with time. So as you walk the Christian journey, you learn things and gain experience which is vital especially for your children.

Think of it this way, you are more like a barrack and you are training soldiers for the kingdom of God! The issue of children should never be taken lightly, it is very important to God but very few people understand this. God is so serious about it that he says he shall bless everyone who shall bear children.

Psa 127:3-5 EasyEnglish
3 Children are something that God gives.  The fruit of your body is a gift (from him).

4 The sons of a young man are like arrows in the hand of a soldier.

5 The man with many of them will be very happy.  He will not be ashamed when he meets his enemies in the city gates.

So you have the greatest responsibility and that is to find a partner who can help you raise the next generation of staunch believers that shall cause the whole world to shake as they take Jesus to all the corners of the earth.

Many believers don’t understand this and that is why they don’t value their children. Children are not just there for you to just have, there is more to them than what meets the tip of your understanding.

Pro 17:6 KJV
Children’s children are the crown of old men; and the glory of children are their fathers.